
Donate Now

All donations to Kids Inspiring Kids are tax-deductible and used in full for our Place of Refuge Village project.
We welcome one-time gifts or recurring contributions of any amount.

Donate through PayPal:


PayPal will accept one-time gifts or recurring scheduled donations.
Click on “Donate” below to either login or directly enter your payment method (account not required).

*Please note Paypal does charge a small 3% fee to KIK.

Donate through Facebook:

Click the Facebook icon below to navigate to our Facebook page.
Then, click on their “Donate” button to donate directly from their site.

*Facebook does not charge KIK any fees. 100% of your donation comes directly to us.

Donate by Check:

Send a check by  mail to our U.S. mailing address at:

Kids Inspiring Kids
Please contact for an address

Or, give a check in person to a member of our fundraising team for direct deposit.

Other methods of charitable donations:

Consider a charitable donation to Kids Inspiring Kids in your estate planning through your will or trust.
Or, consider a transfer of your stock ownership or profits to Kids Inspiring Kids.

Contact us to learn more.

Donation Information

Kids Inspiring Kids is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization (EIN 06-1646288) under the parent Renaissance Coalition (EIN 91-6054380).  All donations are tax-deductible.  100% of your donation will be used directly for the Place of Refuge Village projects unless you specify funds to be used for other purposes.  

While most of our focus and energy is currently on the village project, we continue to seek donations to help support school fees for our refugee children.  Donations can be made for specific requests if you include those details with your donation or through a message to our staff.

If you would like additional information about how your donations are handled, please Contact Us

Typically, we provide a tax statement to your home or email address by mid-January of the subsequent year.  If you need a tax statement sooner, please contact Tomi Mills.  

Nicole Pecorilli would love to give a presentation to any large or small group of people interested in learning about our mission and the Place of Refuge Village project.  Contact them directly to arrange 

A hundred years from now, it will not matter what my bank account was, the sort of house I lived in, or the kind of car I drove. But, the world may be different because I was important in the life of a child.
— Forest Witcraft